[Title] COP29 Multisectoral Actions Pathways (MAP) Declaration to Resilient and Healthy Cities
We, national governments, local administrations and municipal authorities, members of parliaments and their associations, and other stakeholders, including international organisations, financial institutions, philanthropies, private sector entities, academia, and civil society organisations;
Recalling the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Pact for the Future and subsequent decisions made at UN Climate Change Conferences on multilevel engagement, including the establishment of the High-Level Champion role at COP21 and the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action at COP22;
Recognising that more than half of the global population lives in cities and urbanisation is rapidly increasing due to permanent and temporary human migration, economic growth and demographic shifts; that cities are the centre of mobility of people, goods, trade and ideas; that urban areas are responsible for 80% of global GDP and 70% of greenhouse gas emissions; yet are also impacted by climate change, with the most vulnerable being hit the hardest;
Acknowledging that local governments are taking ambitious climate action to deliver just and equitable transitions, supported by city networks, other non-party stakeholders and the work of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) constituency in the UNFCCC, while noting with concern that many local governments, municipal and subnational authorities, in particular in developing countries, lack access to sufficient financial resources, technology, and human, institutional, and technical capacities, as well as access to data-based evidence to accelerate urban climate action;
Recognising that climate change and other global challenges require collaborating across levels of governments, sectors and disciplines toward common solutions at the local, regional and global levels, with a view to achieving the objective of the UNFCCC and the goals of the Paris Agreement, the New Urban Agenda, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Pact for the Future;
Reaffirming the significance of fostering meaningful dialogue, cooperation, knowledge sharing, and coordination among different stakeholders, including state and non-state actors, to promote positive climate mitigation and adaptation outcomes that support sustainable urban development through interventions in various dimensions;
Highlighting the necessity of inclusive urban planning and incorporating approaches responsive to race, age, gender and disability in urban climate strategies to address the impacts of climate change equitably and effectively across all communities and regions;
Welcoming the ongoing processes and initiatives by COP Presidencies, the UN system, multilateral development banks, philanthropic organisations, bilateral donors and their implementing agencies to create sustainable, climate-resilient and healthy cities, including the COP27 Sustainable Urban Resilience for the Next Generation (SURGe) Initiative and the COP28 Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnerships (CHAMP) for Climate Action;
We hereby intend to, where applicable and appropriate within our respective mandates and based on national contexts,
- On nature and health, promote health equity and nature-positive urban development, including by enhancing urban afforestation, reforestation, sustainable infrastructure and spaces, sustainable patterns of consumption and production, nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based approaches to mitigate urban heat and improve air quality;
- On disaster resilience and early warning, strengthen urban climate resilience by integrating disaster risk reduction and adaptation actions into infrastructure development and enhancing preparedness and early warning and anticipatory action systems;
- On technologies, reduce pollution and GHG emissions, enhance renewable and clean energy, and energy and water efficiency in cities through environmentally sound and clean technologies, digital solutions and adoption of circular economy approaches;
- On jobs, integrate sustainability-related education and green jobs considerations into urban planning;
- On buildings and construction, decrease GHG emissions from existing and new buildings, where applicable, by promoting energy-efficient materials, technologies, processes, certifications and smart systems and access to finance for low-emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector;
- On transport, in close coordination with existing initiatives and programmes, develop and implement a vision for low- and zero-emission integrated and connected transport systems by promoting increased use of public transport and safe access to active mobility options, and reducing the sector's carbon footprint through low- and zero-emission solutions, such as renewable and low emissions fuels and the electrification of vehicles, including through digital solutions;
- On urban agriculture, where appropriate, promote integrated land use planning, sustainable urban agriculture and resilient food systems to increase climate action;
- Planning: future-oriented, sustainable, inclusive, nature positive and climate-resilient land use and urban planning;
- Policies: facilitation of participation by local and where appropriate subnational authorities in the development of multisectoral, multilevel and multistakeholder urban climate action plans, as well as their alignment with short- and long-term national development strategies and national climate strategy and policy documents;
- Science: acceleration of urban climate action with science in an inter- and transdisciplinary approach;
- Finance: mobilisation of climate finance for both mitigation and adaptation in urban areas, across all channels, including through public, private and public-private partnerships;
- Collaboration: encouraging collaboration with the private sector, academia, and civil society, including youth organisations, UN specialised agencies, other international organisations, MDBs, MCFs, philanthropic organisations, bilateral donors, and their implementing agencies.
We encourage, where applicable and appropriate,
- Stronger partnerships among UN agencies and intergovernmental organisations, MDBs, MCFs, philanthropic organisations, bilateral donors and their implementing agencies for stronger ambition and actions for climate finance in urban areas and coordination for resource mobilisation for cities and regions to enhance climate finance in urban areas and access to finance for city and subnational, national and local governments;
- Building linkages between World Urban Forums, UN Climate Change Conferences, World Environment Days, and other relevant global and regional platforms for dialogue, actions, and initiatives, including through encouraging World Urban Forums' host governments to appoint a Special Envoy for Urban Climate Action;
- Past, current and future COP Presidencies to establish the Baku Continuity Coalition on Urban Climate Action with the facilitation of UN-Habitat and in close collaboration with LGMA to ensure continuity, foresight and synergies between past and future climate and urban initiatives and issues, including through COP29 MAP and to encourage the inclusion of sustainable urbanisation and urban climate action in future UN Climate Change Conferences.
States which endorsed "COP29 Multisectoral Actions Pathways (MAP) Declaration to Resilient and Healthy Cities"
1. Azerbaijan