"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

[Title] COP29 Declaration on Enhanced Climate Action in Tourism

[Date] November 20, 2024
[Source] United Nations, COP29 Official Website
[Full text]

We, national governments and other stakeholders, including UN agencies, international organisations and financial institutions;

Recalling the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Pact for the Future;

Highlighting the importance of the tourism sector to achieving the objective of the UNFCCC and the goals of the Paris Agreement;

Considering the urgent need for accelerated action in light of the severe impact of the triple planetary crisis on our global capacity to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and relevant climate commitments by 2030;

Acknowledging that effective climate action requires collaborative efforts at local, national, regional, and global levels in different sectors;

Noting with concern that tourism has been estimated to account for a considerable share of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which is predicted to increase;

Further noting the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, natural resources, and cultural heritage, while acknowledging the potential of the tourism sector to contribute to global climate efforts through both adaptation and mitigation, and understanding the strong link between tourism and development, and the necessity of transitioning to a climate-resilient, low-carbon future for the sector;

Recognising that tourism presents a unique opportunity to advance climate action, particularly in countries where it is a significant source of employment and revenue;

Stressing the importance of fostering dialogue, cooperation, experience and knowledge sharing among countries and within the different stakeholders of the sector to advance climate action in the tourism sector;

Recalling the aim of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism launched at the COP26 in November 2021 and the role it plays as a Global Climate Action Initiative providing tools and an action framework for tourism stakeholders, including national tourism administrations, to accelerate climate action;

Welcoming the initiative of the COP29 Presidency to organise the first ever Tourism Thematic Day to be held within the framework of COP29 on 20 November 2024 in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan;

Hereby declare the following:

We acknowledge the significant vulnerability of the tourism sector to climate change, highlighting the importance of enhancing the sector's effectiveness in climate action to help ensure its sustainable growth and resilience;

We recognise the need for further addressing and considering as appropriate the tourism sector in the design of national climate policy documents, such as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), national adaptation plans (NAPs), technology action plans (TAPs) and long-term low-emission development strategies (LT-LEDS);

We intend where applicable and appropriate to consider effective mitigation measures such as embracing sustainable practices, adopting innovative technologies, using clean energy, enhancing energy efficiency and waste management in tourism facilities, sustaining the conservation and health of ecosystems that serve as carbon sinks, promoting low- and zero-emission transportation options, fostering circular approaches that promote sustainable production and consumption, efficient resource use and minimising the risk of pollution;

We also intend where relevant to enhance adaptation measures related to tourism such as implementing nature-based solutions, ecosystem-based approaches, restoring ecosystems, adopting innovative technologies and promoting sustainable land management practices, with particular attention to the developing countries for which tourism represents a significant contribution to their economies, including Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs);

We recognise the importance of finance, technology and capacity building to deliver and implement national actions to enhance resilience and reduce GHG emissions of tourism thus contributing to Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement;

We underscore our dedication to advancing climate action in tourism through global partnerships and dialogue, considering the perspectives of local communities and indigenous peoples, migrants, women, children, youth, persons with disabilities, and people in vulnerable situations;

We pledge to promote and champion sustainable tourism practices, and efforts to reduce GHG emissions in the tourism sector and strengthen adaptation and resilience efforts within the tourism sector.

We affirm our commitment to the objectives of this Declaration and pledge to collaborate towards achieving them.

States which endorsed "COP29 Declaration on Enhanced Climate Action in Tourism"

1. Albania
2. Andorra
3. Angola
4. Azerbaijan
5. Belarus
6. Belgium
7. Bhutan
8. Brazil
9. Bulgaria
10. Canada
11. Colombia
12. Republic of Congo
13. Costa Rica
14. Croatia
15. Czech Republic
16. Denmark
17. Democratic People's Republic of Korea
18. Ethiopia
19. Finland
20. Hungary
21. Ireland
22. Israel
23. Italy
24. Japan
25. Jordan
26. Kazakhstan
27. Kenya
28. Kyrgyzstan
29. Liechtenstein
30. Malta
31. Moldova
32. Mongolia
33. Montenegro
34. Morocco
35. Namibia
36. Netherlands
37. Nicaragua
38. North Macedonia
39. Norway
40. Oman
41. Pakistan
42. Peru
43. Portugal
44. Romania
45. Russia
46. Serbia
47. Sierra Leone
48. Singapore
49. Slovakia
50. Spain
51. Sri-Lanka
52. Suriname
53. Tajikistan
54. Türkiye
55. Ukraine
56. United States
57. Uruguay
58. Uzbekistan
59. Venezuela
60. Vietnam
61. Zambia
62. Zimbabve