"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

[Title] India-Japan Economic and ODA Cooperation

[Date] October 29, 2018
[Source] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
[Full text]

Recognising the significant contribution of Japan's ODA to the socio-economic development of India, India expressed appreciation for Japan's continuous support that symbolises the ties between the two countries. In this regard, India and Japan reviewed with satisfaction the Japan's assistance as shown below:

Japan's ODA Loan

Since the last Summit in India in September 2017, the following projects were provided ODA Loans:

- Bengaluru Water Supply and Sewerage Project (Phase 3) (I) [Karnataka]

- Mumbai Metro Line 3 Project (II) [Maharashtra]

- Project for Construction of Chennai Seawater Desalination Plant (I) [Tamil Nadu]

- Project for Improvement of Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystems Management and Livelihoods [Himachal Pradesh]

- Project for Installation of Chennai Metropolitan Area Intelligent Transport

- Systems [Tamil Nadu]

During the 13th Summit, the signing ceremony of exchange of notes regarding the following projects including the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Railway Project (II) took place:

- Project for the Construction of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (II) [Maharashtra and Gujarat]

- Project for Renovation and Modernization of Umiam-Umtru Stage-III Hydroelectric Power Station [Meghalaya]

- Delhi Mass Rapid Transport System Project (Phase 3) (III) [Delhi]

- North East Road Network Connectivity Improvement Project (Phase 3) (I) [Dhubri in Assam and Phulbari in Meghalaya]

- Project for the Construction of Turga Pumped Storage (I) [Purulia in West Bengal]

- Project for the Construction of Chennai Peripheral Ring Road (Phase 1) [Tamil Nadu]

- Project for Sustainable Catchment Forest Management in Tripura [Tripura]

In addition, India expressed expectation that ODA loan regarding the dairy development in India will be provided soon and that preparatory surveys on pollution abatement of River Nag at Nagpur in Maharashtra, rural water supply in Madhya Pradesh, landscape community forest and water management in Meghalaya would commence soon. India also welcomed that relevant authorities of India and Japan started discussions for cooperation through ODA loan to promote SDGs in India.

Varanasi convention center

The two sides welcomed the progress of the Project for Construction of the International Cooperation and Convention Center in Varanasi, which is deemed as the symbol of friendship between Japan and India. India appreciated the additional grant aid already provided by Japan.

Grant aid for improving traffic congestion and urban environment

India also expressed its appreciation for the signing of the Exchange of Notes for the provision of a grant aid to the Project for Implementation of Advanced Traffic Information and Management System in Core Bengaluru in December 2017.