"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

[Title] India-Japan Cooperation in "Make in India"

[Date] October 29, 2018
[Source] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
[Full text]

Based on the "Japan-India Investment Promotion Roadmap" committed between METI and DIPP in September 2017, in addition to opening the JETRO's Business Support Center (BSC) in Ahmedabad, Gujarat in July this year, various investment promotion seminars were held in Japan and India.

On 29 October 2018, private sector investment projects proposed by about 60 Japanese companies were showcased to Prime Minister Modi, which would be facilitated by Invest India and JETRO. These projects include the sectors providing greater impetus to "Make in India" such as automobile, steel, electronics, IoT and AI, chemical, food processing, etc. The total investment is projected to be approximately 280 billion JPY with creation of over 29,000 additional jobs in India.

Regarding the Japanese Industrial Townships (JITs), METI and DIPP exchanged the progress reports on the implemented actions and major achievements for promotion of JITs including, but not limited to, infrastructure development, promotional activities, fiscal incentives, improvement in Ease of Doing Business and human resource development.

As a new initiative, METI and DIPP decided to cooperate on the development of "Advanced Model Single Window" to streamline administrative procedures in Central and State Governments of India based on the best practices in and outside India and its capacity building, thereby accelerating India's effort to promote Ease of Doing Business in India.

"Logistics Data Bank Project", a DMIC project which contributes to efficient logistics/supply chain by visualization of international marine container transportation using RFID tag at related port/inland facility, is further contributing to improvement in the business environment.