"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo


[Date] January, 2024
[Source] European Union
[Full text]

Why an EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific?

The European Union and Indo-Pacific countries have a stake in each other's prosperity and security. Our regions share the same interest in upholding the rules-based international order – with the UN Charter at its core – and in supporting responsible cooperation in international relations. Our futures are inter-dependent.

Towards a deeper and stronger EU engagement

The EU has been stepping up its engagement with Indo-Pacific partners that share common goals and face similar challenges. Its efforts and actions are guided by the EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo Pacific. Endorsed by its Member States in 2021, the Strategy sets out seven priority areas for deepening EU Indo-Pacific cooperation: sustainable and inclusive prosperity, green transition, ocean governance, digital governance and partnerships, connectivity, security and defence, and human security.

Concrete EU actions

Progress achieved since 2021 is testament to the EU's commitment to building partnerships that support peace, stability and long-term prosperity for people in both Europe and the Indo-Pacific.

The EU and its Indo-Pacific partners have advanced concrete cooperation across all seven priority areas. Below are just some key examples.

Sustainable and inclusive prosperity

to support the global economic recovery and build shared prosperity that leaves no one behind

- New Partnership and Cooperation Agreements with Malaysia and Thailand; ongoing negotiations with Bangladesh;

- New Partnership Agreement signed with the Members of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), known as the "Samoa Agreement";

- Economic Partnership Agreement signed with Kenya; ongoing talks with Tonga, Timor-Leste, Niue, Tuvalu and Vanuatu on the accession to the EU-Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement;

- Free Trade Agreement signed with New Zealand; ongoing negotiations with Australia, Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), Indonesia, India and Thailand.

Green transition

to tackle climate change, accelerate a fair clean energy transition, protect the environment and foster the sustainable management of resources

- The Team Europe Initiative, Green Blue Alliance for the Pacific and Timor Leste, which includes support for hydropower capacity in Fiji;

- Green Team Europe Initiatives on green and clean energy transitions with ASEAN, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Madagascar, Mozambique, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam and Tanzania;

- The Green Alliance and a Memorandum of Cooperation on hydrogen with Japan;

- The Green Partnership with the Republic of Korea;

- The Green Economy initiative in the Philippines;

- Just Energy Transition Partnerships launched with Indonesia Viet Nam and South Africa;

- Support to transport decarbonisation in the Indo Pacific, including in maritime and air transport.

Ocean governance

to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity

- Adoption of the UN Treaty of the High Seas;

- New Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements agreed with Cook Islands, Madagascar, and Kiribati;

- Support to the creation of a representative system of Marine Protected Areas around Antarctica;

- The EU is currently preparing to launch the "Sustainable Western Indian Ocean" (SWIOP) programme, which will include Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar and Comoros;

- Promote the sustainable management of marine resources through Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, and the continuous work done in the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing.

Digital governance and partnerships

to foster cooperation for a safe and secure digital space

- Digital Partnerships established with Japan, the Republic of Korea and Singapore;

- Digital Trade Principles between the EU and Singapore, and the EU and the Republic of Korea;

- Digital connectivity Team Europe Initiative in the Philippines to support the digital transformation;

- Digital4Development Hub launched for Asia-Pacific;

- Cross-border data flow agreement between EU and Japan;

- EU and India Trade and Technology Council;

- Increased EU-ASEAN digital cooperation to support the ASEAN Digital Master Plan.


to promote sustainable connectivity for all and establish common standards

- Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement between the EU and ASEAN;

- ASEAN Sustainable Connectivity Package spanning the transport, energy, digital, people-to-people, trade and economic , and connectivity sectors;

- Horizontal Agreement on air services between the EU and Japan;

- Increased partner access to Copernicus programme's earth observation data;

- Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity and Quality Infrastructure between the EU and Japan;

- EU-India Aviation Summit under the EU-India Connectivity Partnership;

- First High-Level Transport Dialogue with the Republic of Korea.

Security and Defence

to promote an open and rules-based regional security architecture

- Joint naval exercises conducted by EUNAVFOR ATALANTA with partners, such as Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Oman, and the United States;

- EU and Japanese Leaders agreed at the 2023 Summit, to develop their security partnership by increasing cooperation in areas including maritime security, cybersecurity, hybrid threats, counter-terrorism, disarmament and non-proliferation;

- At the EU-ROK Summit in 2023, Leaders agreed to establish a security partnership and a Strategic Dialogue at Foreign Ministerial level to enhance cooperation on global peace and security;

- New EU Training Mission in Mozambique (EUTM-Moz);

- Coordinated Maritime Presence in the North-West Indian Ocean;

- EU participation in the ASEAN Regional Forum;

- EU-funded thematic projects with a regional outreach:

-- CRIMARIO - capacity building and maritime information sharing solutions;

-- ESIWA – practical cooperation on counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, maritime security and crisis management;

-- Global Action on Cyber Crime Programme.

Human Security

to support healthcare systems and enhance disaster risk reduction and preparedness

- Humanitarian aid and assistance for vulnerable people in Myanmar (forced displacements), Bangladesh (Rohingya refugees), Vanuatu (cyclones), Pakistan (floods), Yemen (food crisis), and Micronesia (drought);

- Copernicus Emergency Management Service over Pakistan, the Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mozambique and Vanuatu;

- Support to the World Health Organisation South-East Asia Health Pandemic Response and Preparedness Programme.