"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

[Title] Agreed Minutes with respect to the Agreement Between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Korea for Air Services

[Place] Tokyo
[Date] May 16, 1967
[Source] United Nations Treaty Collection
[Full text]

During the course of the negotiations on the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Korea for Air Services signed at Tokyo on May 16, 1967, the representative of the Government of Japan and the representative of the Government of the Republic of Korea have agreed that each Government shall take the following measures in accordance with its laws and regulations:

1. The Government of each country shall permit the designated airlines of the other country to establish and maintain branches and shall permit them to engage in activities necessary for the operation of the agreed services.

2. When officers and staff of a designated airline of either country file an application, accompanied by a guarantee letter of that designated airline, for a visa for a short stay in the territory of the other country in connection with the operation of the agreed services, the Government of the latter country shall issue such visa on a reciprocal basis within ten (10) days, in principle, from the date of filing the application.

3. The Government of each country shall permit the heads and senior staff of branches of the designated airlines of the other country of which they are nationals or their dependents, when they desire to stay more than one hundred and eighty (180) days in connection with the operation of the agreed services, to reside in its territory for the period of two years. Each Government shall accord, in so far as the operation of the agreed services requires, as favourable consideration as possible to the application of re-entry permit.

4. The Government of each country shall accord, with respect to imposition of internal taxes upon the branches of the designated airlines of the other country and their officers and staff and their dependents, treatment no less favourable than that accorded to branches of the designated airlines of any third country and their officers and staff and their dependents.

5. The Government of each country shall permit the designated airlines of the other country to transfer, in United States dollars, the excess of receipts over expenditure earned by these airlines in its territory in connection with the operation of the agreed services, and to establish, for the operation of the agreed services, deposit accounts in foreign currency and in convertible domestic currency.

Furthermore, the representatives of both Governments have reached the following understanding concerning paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the Agreement:

The countries to be chosen respectively by the two Governments and the third country to be determined upon consultation between the governments of the countries so chosen shall be selected from among the countries having diplomatic relations with both Japan and the Republic of Korea.

DONE in duplicate at Tokyo, this sixteenth day of May, 1967 in the Japanese, Korean and English languages, each text being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

For the Government of Japan:

Takeo MIKI

For the Government of the Republic of Korea: