機密文書研究会 東京大学・法学部・北岡伸一研究室

[文書名] 議事録 昭和35年1月6日

[年月日] 1960年1月6日
[出典] 外務省,いわゆる「密約」問題に関する調査結果報告対象文書(2.1960年1月の安保条約改訂時の朝鮮半島有事の際の戦闘作戦に関する「密約」問題関連),文書2-2
[備考] いわゆる「密約」問題に関する調査結果報告の際に公開された文書。公開されたものはタイプによるもの。ミスタイプと思われるものも含めてできるだけ忠実にテキスト化した。欄外の書き込みの記録は、本文の前に記載しオリジナルの記載箇所を<>内に記した。

<1ページ目 欄外右上>



At the meeting of the Security Consultative Committee today the situation in Korea was discussed and the following statements were made by Ambassador MacArthur and Foreign Minister Fujiyama respectively.

Ambassador MacArthur:

Fortunately, since the Armistice Agreement was reached there has been no resumption of the armed attack against the United Nations forces in Korea. It is our hope that a final settlement involving the peaceful reunification of Korea in accordance with the United Nations resolutions can be reached without a recurrence of hostilities. However, the possibility of a renewal of the armed attack cannot be ruled out. In this event, the preservation of the Republic of Korea against aggression not only is essential to the continued effectiveness of the United Nations but has a particular importance for the security of Japan and the other nations of the Far East endangered by such aggression. While it might be possible to detect in advance preparations for large-scale armed attack, the possibility of an emergency arising out of an attack cannot be ruled out. Thus it could happen that, unless the United States armed forces undertook military combat operations immediately from Japan, the United Nations forces could not repel an armed attack made in violation of the Armistice. I hereby request, therefore, the views of the Japanese Government regarding the operational use of bases in Japan in the event of an exceptional emergency as mentioned above.

Foreign Minister Fujiyama:

The Japanese Government shares with the United States Government the hope that a final settlement in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations can be brought about in Korea without a recurrence of hostilities.

I have been authorized by Prime Minister Kishi to state that it is the view of the Japanese Government that, as an exceptional measure in the event of an emergency resulting from an attack against the United Nations forces in Korea, facilities and the areas in Japan may be used for such military combat operations as need be undertaken immediately by the United States armed forces in Japan under the United Command of the United Nations as the response to such an armed attack in order to enable the United Nations forces in Korea to repel an armed attack made in violation of the Armistice.

Tokyo, January 6, 1960


Aiichiro Fujiyama


Douglas MacArthur Ⅱ