機密文書研究会 東京大学・法学部・北岡伸一研究室

[文書名] 核兵器の持ち込みに関する事前協議の件

[年月日] 1963年4月13日
[出典] 外務省,いわゆる「密約」問題に関する調査結果報告対象文書(1.1960年1月の安保条約改定時の核持込みに関する「密約」問題関連),文書1-3
[備考] いわゆる「密約」問題に関する調査報告の際に公開された文書。公開されたものは日本語は外務省罫紙手書き、英語はタイプによる文書。漢字、送りがなの用法、誤記と思われるものも含めてできるだけ忠実にテキスト化した。欄外の書き込みの記録は本文前に記載しオリジナルの記載箇所を<>内に記した。

<1ページ目 欄外上>

極秘 1部ノ内 1号{前10文字スタンプ、スタンプの脇に(1)と書き込みあり。(1)はマル1。}

大臣 ※{※は印鑑、抹消あり} APR.20.1963{前11文字抹消あり}

条約局長 ※{※は花押}

アメリカ局長 ※{※は花押}

事務次官 ※{※は印鑑} APR.20.1963

参事官 ※{※は花押}

参事官 スミ

安全保障課長 スミ ※{※は花押}

外務審議官 ※{※は花押}


橋爪事務官 ※{※は花押}

<1ページ目 欄外右>


<1ページ目 欄外下>

回覧番号 米保221{前10文字スタンプ}

核兵器の持ち込みに関する事前協議の件 (昭:38.4.13 安全保障課 ※{※は花押})



(イ)核兵器の持込みに関する事前協議の合意は上記昭35.1.6付record of discussion以外にはなく、Introduction自体の意味についての別段の合意もない。




<2ページ目 欄外上>

別添2 極秘 1部ノ内 1号{前10文字スタンプ}




Tokyo, January 6, 1960.

1. Reference is made to the Exchange of Notes which will be signed on January 19, 1960, concerning the implementation of Article VI of the "Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan", the operative part of which reads as follows:

"Major changes in the deployment into Japan of United States armed forces, major changes in their equipment, and the use of facilities and areas in Japan as bases for military combat operations to be undertaken from Japan other than those conducted under Article V of the said Treaty, shall be the subjects of prior consultation with the Government of Japan."

2. The Notes were drawn up with the following points being taken into consideration and understood:

a. "Major changes in their equipment" is understood to mean the introduction into Japan of nuclear weapons, including intermediate and long-range missiles as well as the construction of bases for such weapons, and will not, for example, mean the introduction of non-nuclear weapons including short-range missiles without nuclear components.

b. "Military combat operations" is understood to mean military combat operations that may be initiated from Japan against areas outside Japan.

c. "Prior consultation" will not be interpreted as affecting present procedures regarding the deployment of United States armed forces and their equipment into Japan and those for the entry of United States military aircraft and the entry into Japanese waters and ports by United States naval vessels, except in the case of major changes in the deployment into Japan of United States armed forces.

d. Nothing in the Exchange of Notes will be construed as requiring "prior consultation" on the transfer of units of United States armed forces and their equipment from Japan.

Aiichiro Fujiyama

Douglas MacArthur II
