機密文書研究会 東京大学・法学部・北岡伸一研究室

[文書名] 8月15日スナイダー公使と会談の件

[年月日] 1969年8月15日
[出典] 外務省,いわゆる「密約」問題に関する調査結果報告対象文書(1.1960年1月の安保条約改定時の核持込みに関する「密約」問題関連),文書1-6
[備考] いわゆる「密約」問題に関する調査結果報告の際に公開された文書。公開された文書は外務省罫紙に手書き、別添の英文はタイプによるもの。漢字、ふりがなの用法、誤記と思われるものも含めてできるだけ忠実にテキスト化した。1ページ目の欄外の書き込みの記録は、本文の前または該当箇所に記載しオリジナルの記載箇所を<>内に記した。

<1ページ目 欄外上>

極秘 無期限 写3部の内2号{前11文字数字以外はスタンプ}








<1ページ目 欄外右>



44・8・15 米局長


公使 ― 訓令を待っていては話がなか<進まないので若干の点に付訓令なしで申上度し。

1.ワシントンでは自由出撃の保証{前2文字下線あり}に強くこだわる向きが多いが何とかして共同声明と一方的発言でおさめたいと考へている。{一方を二本線で抹消あり}この見地より自分が一方的発言の対案{前8文字下線あり}を起案してみたから検討願いたい。Taiwan area と云う字は、若しRepublic of China と云う字を使うと国民政府のとつている立場からして大陸も含まれることとなるので之を避ける趣旨であり、意図するところは米華条約の義務のことである。(別添1)


3.核に{前2文字下線あり}ついては前にも申した如く結論は出ていないが、假に返還時に撤去すると云う所まで決まったとしても、返還後、有事の際の持込{前7文字下線あり}については何等かの了解が絶対に必要であると思はれる。重大なemergencyの際に事前協議に当りfavorable considerationを与へると云うことを総理から大統領に約束することはできないが、之を日本側で公に約束することの困難なことは自分は{2字分抹消あり}分つているが、米側が撤去に踏切るとしてもemergencyに関し何もなしでは到底解決できない。



本官 ―





公使 ― 12日案につき若干手を加えた{前7文字下線あり}ので検討願いたい。(別添2)

本官 ― 不敢取のコメント次のとおり




又substantial modification{前2語下線あり}なしに、と云う表現は誤解を招く。若し地位協定の枠内での調整と云うことなら(先方肯定)別の表現も考へられよう。


公使 ― 12日日本案はワシントンに送った。ワシントンおよび大使館でのreactionはよいstep forwardであると云うこどであるが、まだ<自分の申上げた以外にいろ<言つて来るであらう。



極秘 無期限 部の内 号{前9文字スタンプ}


The Prime Minister also made clear the basic recognition of his Government that, in particular, an armed attack against the Republic of Korea and against the Taiwan area, if it occurred, would seriously affect the security of Japan. On the basis of this recognition, the Prime Minister stated that, in the event of such armed attacks, it would be the policy of the GOJ to give prompt and favorable consideration, in accordance with the principle of prior consultation, to the use by US armed forces of facilities and areas in Japan as bases for military combat operations from Japan in fulfillment of US treaty obligations.



Suggested Changes to Draft Joint Communique

Paragraph 2 3rd sentence)

The President, while emphasizing that the countries in the area were expected to make their own efforts for the stability of Asia, assured that the United States would continue to honor her treaty commitments in the Far East.

Paragraph 3 (replacing 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th sentences)

The President and the Prime Minister shared the hope that Communist China would adopt a positive and constructive attitude toward cooperation with the peace-loving nations of the world in regard such matters as arms control and disarmament, and to reflect this attitude in its relations with its neighbors. The President, ▲{▲はhoweverと思われる}, recalled that Communist China had so far refused to join ▲ the United States in a mutual renunciation of the threat or use of force in the Taiwan area, and referred to the treaty ▲{▲はcommitmentと思われる}of his country to the Republic of China. The Prime Minister expressed his full understanding of the position of the United States, and his conviction that the Japanese Government must also continue to view the situation in the Taiwan area with close attention and concern.

Paragraph 3 (7th sentence)

The President described the earnest efforts made by the United States for a peaceful settlement of the Viet-Nam problem, and reviewed the prospects for an honorable peace in that area.

Paragraph 4

he light of their evaluation of the situation and the prospects in the Far East ,the Prime Minister and the President highly valued the role played by the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security in maintaining the peace and security of the Far East, including Japan, and mutually affirmed the intention of the two Governments to maintain firmly the Treaty on the basis of mutual trust and the common evaluation of the international situation. They further agreed that the two Governments should maintain closer and constant contact with each other on matters affecting the peace and security of the Far East, and on the implementation of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

5.Paragraph 5 (1st sentence)

Within the context of their discussion of the prospects and problems of the region, the Prime Minister emphasized the strong desire to have the administrative rights over Okinawa returned to Japan on the basis of the friendly relations between Japan and the United States and thereby to restore Okinawa to its normal status.

6.Paragraph 5 (last sentence)

The Prime Minister and the President also agreed that the United States would retain under the terms of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security its facilities and areas in Okinawa except as mutually agreed.

7.Paragraph 6 (1st sentence)

The Prime Minister and the President agreed that, upon reversion, the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security and its related arrangements, including the present pattern of rights and obligations pertaining to the use by US forces of facilities and areas in Japan proper, should apply to Okinawa without any substantial modification.

8.Paragraph 7 (2nd sentence)

The President expressed his understanding that the position of the Japanese Government is not in conflict with the principle of prior consultation established in the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security and the related arrangements, and assured the Prime Minister of the intention of the US Government to ensure the reversion of Okinawa to be carried out in a manner consistent with the policy of the Japanese Government as described by the Prime Minister.
