[Title] The U.S.-Japan Agreement of 1986 on Semiconductor Products, Side Letter
Side Letter
2. The Government of Japan recognizes the U.S. semiconductor industry's expectation that semiconductor sales in Japan of foreign capital-affiliated companies will grow to at least slightly above 20 percent of the Japanese market in five years. The Government of Japan considers that this can be realized and welcomes its realization. The attainment of such an expectation depends on competitive factors, the sales efforts of the foreign capital-affiliated companies, the purchasing efforts of the semiconductor users in Japan, and the efforts of both governments.
3. The Government of Japan will encourage Japanese users to purchase more foreign-based semiconductors and to provide further support for expanded sales by foreign capital-affiliated semiconductor companies in Japan through the establishment of an organization to provide sales assistance for foreign capital-affiliated semiconductor companies and through promotion of long-term relationships between Japanese semiconductor purchasers and foreign capital-affiliated semiconductor companies.