"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

[Title] Press Conference by Prime Minister Kishida Regarding the Ruling on a Lawsuit over the Former Eugenics Protection Law and Other Matters

[Date] July 3, 2024
[Source] Cabinet Public Affairs Office, Cabinet Secretariat
[Notes] Provisional translation
[Full text]

(On how Prime Minister Kishida regards the Supreme Court ruling that the former Eugenics Protection Law was unconstitutional; on compensation for the plaintiffs and relief for all victims, not only the plaintiffs)

Today, regarding the lawsuit over the now-defunct Eugenics Protection Law, the Supreme Court handed down a verdict recognizing the national government's liability for damages. In response, earlier today I summoned to the Prime Minister's Office Minister Kato, Minister of State for Policies Related to Children, and also State Minister Kadoyama, State Minister of Justice, on behalf of Minister Koizumi, Minister of Justice, and received a report from them outlining the judgment.

I take it extremely seriously that a ruling was handed down which, in addition to deeming the stipulations of the former Eugenics Protection Law a violation of the Constitution, recognized an illegality regarding the State Compensation Law. Based on the former Eugenics Protection Law enacted in 1948, with the former Eugenics Protection Law's existence as a backdrop, until 1996 when the stipulation for sterilization was expunged, a large number of people were forced to undergo sterilization surgery on the grounds of them having certain diseases or disabilities, causing them to suffer tremendous physical and mental anguish.

The Government, from the standpoint of having implemented the former Eugenics Protection Law, expresses its sincere remorse and its profound apology regarding this matter. First and foremost, we will swiftly provide compensation in accordance with the judgment finalized today at the Supreme Court.

In addition, we regard the voices of those who underwent sterilization and related treatment as very valuable. I myself, honoring the wishes of the people affected, will meet with those impacted and listen to them tell of the agonizing experiences and feelings they have endured until now, and I will convey to them directly the Government's remorse and apology.

Towards that end, just now I directed Minister Kato to coordinate affairs to arrange a face-to-face meeting this month between myself and those directly impacted and other relevant people, including the plaintiffs.

Sterilization and other procedures trample upon human dignity and are an infringement of human rights that must never be tolerated. Those who were subjected to sterilization or other procedures have suffered enormous distress, both mentally and physically, for many years, and those who underwent sterilization or other procedures are advancing in age. Mindful of this, I believe resolving this matter must not be put off. I have instructed Minister Kato and Minister Koizumi to take up consideration of this matter so that, after carefully examining the specifics of the ruling, we can, through consultations with the Diet, reach a conclusion as rapidly as possible regarding how new guarantees should be put in place.

I once again express profound remorse and an unqualifiedly heartfelt apology. To ensure that this situation is never repeated, the Government will make its greatest possible efforts to realize a cohesive society while the public as a whole shows mutual respect for personality and individuality, without making distinctions based on whether or not someone has a disease or disability.

(On Prime Minister Kishida's determination for Japan to extricate itself from deflation and on his expectations regarding whether or not a declaration of Japan breaking free of deflation will be made within 2024, in light of real wages continuing to experience negative growth)

The Kishida administration considers it important not only to break free from deflation but also to transition to a new economic stage characterized by a growth-oriented economy driven by wage increases and investments; it is also critical for wage hikes to exceed price increases on a sustained basis. I have been saying for some time that truly now we are at a critical juncture for transitioning to this kind of growth-oriented economy. Positive signs are emerging everywhere.

I have been working towards this transition fully determined that the Kishida administration's purpose for existing is, indeed, to seize this opportunity that has emerged after 30 years and not allow the nation to backslide.

As for a declaration that Japan has broken free of deflation, the determination that, from a macroeconomic analysis standpoint, Japan has wrested itself free from deflation is, to my way of thinking, a conclusion for experts to draw first after giving due consideration to various kinds of economic indicators. Therefore, at the present stage, I will refrain from making any statements now that prejudge what that timing will be.

(On Prime Minister Kishida's thoughts regarding the new compensation he just mentioned related to the former Eugenics Protection Law, specifically regarding whether or not persons other than the plaintiffs in this lawsuit will also be eligible for it, and regarding compensation for those who underwent abortions without having sterilization surgery and for the spouses of those subjected to surgery)

First of all, today the judgment has only just been announced. I have just now instructed the Minister of Justice to conduct a careful scrutiny of the ruling. Then, beyond that, there are lawsuits of this same type now in dispute. After thoroughly examining the content of the Supreme Court's ruling, we will consider how to respond to those cases, respectful of that ruling.

After examining this judgment, as I mentioned earlier, while engaging in consultations with the Diet, we hope to reach a conclusion as rapidly as possible regarding how new guarantees should be put in place. Accordingly, just now I instructed Minister Kato and Minister Koizumi to take appropriate steps towards that end.

As for the specifics you asked about within your question, the first step will be to examine the ruling thoroughly, to be followed by coordination with the Diet. We will reach a conclusion on our response in concrete terms only after completing those steps.