"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo


[Place] Beijing
[Date] June 29, 1998
[Source] U.S. Department of State
[Full text]

The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Party" or "Parties"), recognizing the importance of developing friendship and cooperation between their countries, have agreed as follows:


1. The Government of the United States will send to China such Volunteers through the Peace Corps Program (to be known in China as the U.S. - China Friendship Volunteers and hereinafter referred to as "Volunteers" or the "Program") as may be mutually agreed by the two Parties to perform mutually agreed tasks in China.

2. The Volunteers will work under the immediate supervision of governmental and private organizations in China designated by our two governments. For these purposes, the Ministry of Education has responsibility for matters affecting the Program that involve the national or local governments, including taking administrative action, policy decisions, interagency cooperation, consultation with other ministries regarding programming outside the education sector, or national coordination. The Chinese Education Association for International Exchange, acting under the general guidance and supervision of the Ministry of Education, has primary responsibility for helping to facilitate and coordinate Program operations at the local level.

3. The Government of the United States will provide training to enable the Volunteers to perform their tasks in the most effective manner.

4. The Government of China will facilitate matters for the Program and bear such share of the costs of the Program incurred in China as the two Parties may agree.


1. The Volunteers should obey the laws of China and the rules and regulations of their Program site work unit. The Government of China, as the host country, will accord equitable treatment to the Volunteers and their property; accord them all necessary aid and protection, including treatment no less favorable than that accorded generally to nationals of the United States residing in China; and fully inform, consult, and cooperate with representatives of the United States with respect to all such matters.

2. The Government of China will exempt the Volunteers and persons performing functions under contract with the Program who are not citizens of China from all taxes on payments that they receive to defray their living costs, on income derived from their work for the Program; and on income from other sources outside China; and from all customs duties or other charges on their personal property introduced into China for their own use. The Government of China will issue, without fee, residence permits, health certificates, and visas, including multiple-entry visas, to Volunteers and persons performing functions under contract with the Program and will absorb any other changes or fees required for such persons to serve in China, except license fees.


1. The Government of the United States will provide the Volunteers with such limited quantities of equipment and supplies as the two Parties may consider necessary to enable the Volunteers to perform their task effectively.

2. The Government of China will exempt from all taxes (including the value-added tax on vehicles), customs duties, and other charges all Program equipment and supplies introduced into or acquired in China by the Government of the United States, or any contractor financed by it, for use hereunder.


1. For effective implementation of the Program in China, the Government of China will receive an official Program Representative of the United States to serve as Program Director (hereafter referred to as "Director") and such staff to work with the Director (including employees and contractor personnel as designated by the Director), and members of their families forming part of their households, as are acceptable to the Government of China. The Government of China will exempt such persons who are not citizens of China from all taxes on income derived from their work for the Program or other sources outside China; and from all customs duties or other charges on their personal property introduced into China for their own use.

2. The Director, staff, and members of their families forming part of their households, who are not citizens of China, shall be accorded status equivalent to that accorded administrative and technical staff personnel of the diplomatic mission of the United States, except they will not be accorded immunities.

3. The Government of China will issue, without fee, residence permits, health certificates, and visas, including multiple-entry visas, to the Director, staff, and individuals performing functions under this Agreement, and members of their families forming part of their household, except that a fee will be charged for visas issued to accompanying spouses who are engaged in other work in China and to children who are more than 18 years of age. The Chinese Party will absorb any other charges or fees required for such persons to serve in China, except license fees.


The Government of China will exempt from investment and deposit requirements and currency controls or restrictions all funds introduced into China to pay for Program costs, operations, or activities under this Agreement by the Government of the United States or contractions financed by it. Such funds shall be convertible into the currency of China at highest rate that is not unlawful in China.


1. The Government of the United States will provide the Volunteers with such limited quantities of equipment and supplies as the two Parties may consider necessary to enable the Volunteers to perform their tasks effectively.

2. The Government of China will exempt from all taxes (including the value-added tax on vehicles), customs duties, and other charges all Program equipment and supplies introduced into or acquired in China by the Government of the United States, or any contractor financed by it, for use hereunder.


1. Appropriate representatives of the two Parties may make such arrangements with respect to the Volunteers and the Program in China as appear necessary or appropriate for the purpose of implementing this Agreement.

2. Any disputes arising under this Agreement will be resolved amicably by the two Parties.


The activities of each Party under this Agreement are subject to the availability of appropriated funds.


This agreement may be amended by mutual consent of the two Parties.


This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature and shall remain in force until ninety days after the date of the written notification from either Party to the other of its intention to terminate the Agreement.

Signed in Beijing on the 29th day of June 1998, in duplicate, in the English and Chinese languages, each text being equally authentic.

For the Government of the United States of America: James R. Sasser (Ambassador of the United States)

For the Government of the People's Republic of China: Wei Yu (Vice Minister of Education)