[Title] Exchanged Notes, Regarding Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement between the United States and Japan
I have the honor to refer to the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan signed today. America that references to the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan, signed at San Frncisco on September 8, 1951, and to the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan, appearing in the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement between the United States of America and Japan, signed at Tokyo on March 8, 1954, shall be considered to be references to the corresponding provisions, if any, of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security and of the Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan.
I should be appreciative if Your Excellency would confirm on behalf of your Government that this is also the understanding of the Government of Japan and that this understanding shall enter into operation on the date of the entry into force of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
Christian A. Herter
Secretary of State of the
United States of America
His Excellency
Nobusuke Kishi,
Prime Minister of Japan.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's Notes of today's date, which reads as follows:
"I have the honor to refer to the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan signed today. It is the understanding of the Government of the United States of America that references to the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan, signed at San Francisco on Sptember 8, 1951, and to the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan, appearing in the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement between the Unitede States of America and Japan, signed at Tokyo on March 8, 1954, shall be considered to be references to the corresponding provisions, if, any, of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security and of the Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan, Regardeing Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan.
I should be appreciative if Your Excellency would confirm on behalf of your Government that this is also the understanding of the Government of Japan and that this understanding shall enter into operation and Security."
I have further the honour to confirm on behalf of my Government that the foregoing is also the understanding of the Government of Japan.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.
Nobusuke Kishi
His Excellency
Christian A. Herter,
Secretary of State
of the United States of America.