"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

[Title] Chairman's Summary on Political Issues

[Place] Venezia
[Date] June 10, 1987
[Source] The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
[Full text]

The Venice Summit has provided us with the opportunity for a useful exchange of views on the main international political issues of the moment. Our discussions took place in the same spirit of constructive co-operation which inspired yesterday's statements on East-West relations, the Gulf conflict, and terrorism and confirmed a significant unity of approaches.

In the field of East-West relations, particular attention was paid to a number of regional issues.

On the subject of Afghanistan, emphasis was placed once again on the need to keep up pressure so that the Afghan people can very soon determine their own future in a Country no longer subject to external military occupation.

It was noted that the presence in Kampuchea of foreign troops continues to be an obstacle to the peace and tranquility of South-East Asia.

In the Pacific, newly-independent island states are faced with difficult economic situations. We have stressed the need to support their development process in conditions of complete freedom from outside political interference.

In Asia, we agreed that particular attention should be paid to the efforts for economic reform undertaken by China. We reviewed the situation in the Korean peninsula, in the belief that the next Olympic Games may create a climate favourable to the development of a more open dialogue between North and South. In the Philippines, the democratic government is involved in a courageous attempt at economic and social renewal which deserves our support.

As regards Africa - a continent with enormous potentialities but facing extremely serious economic, social and political problems - we viewed the situation in South Africa with particular concern. We agreed that a peaceful and lasting solution can only be found to the present crisis if the apartheid regime is dismantled and replaced by a new form of democratic, non-racial government. There is an urgent need, therefore, to begin a genuine dialogue with the representatives of all the components of South African society. At the same time we noted the importance of humanitarian assistance initiatives for the victims of Apartheid and of supporting the efforts by SADCC (Southern African Development Co-ordination Conference) member states to develop and strengthen their own economies.

Serious concern was expressed at the continuing dangerous tensions and conflicts in the Near and Middle East and at the absence of concrete progress toward a solution to the Arab-Israeli dispute. The need for action to create conditions for a just, global and lasting peace was reaffirmed.

Concern was also expressed at the situation in the occupied territories.

The situation in Lebanon, with its serious internal tensions and the persisting problem of the Palestinian camps, continues to give cause for concern. In this connection we reaffirmed our hope that genuine efforts be made towards national reconciliation.

With regard to Latin America, the discussion highlighted the need to promote appropriate initiatives aimed at supporting democratic governments and encouraging the return to democracy and its consolidation throughout the continent. There was also agreement that efforts toward regional integration will help open up a fruitful and constructive dialogue with the West: they therefore deserve support.

With regard to developments in Central America, it is hoped that the forthcoming Summit to be held in Guatemala can play a positive role in paving the way to peace and stability.

Finally, we turned to the problems of the United Nations Organizations and, in particular to its current financial difficulties and considered possible ways of overcoming them.