"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

[Title] Robust and Sustainable Economy

[Date] November 16, 2012
[Source] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
[Full text]

The working group considered 6 issues relating to a robust and sustainable economy, namely private sector, trade and investment, agriculture, infrastructure, science and technology, and tourism. There was agreement that these issues are linked and share common elements. Thus, in all of them,

* public policies have a crucial role to play;

* the private sector is an integral partner;

* special attention needs to be paid to gender;

* capacity development and innovative financing mechanisms are needed;

* a pipeline of bankable projects and effective public-private partnerships need to be developed;

* regional approaches should be encouraged and supported;

* South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation should be promoted; and

* effective partnership – between governments, private sector, development assistance partners, investors, diaspora is essential.

In addition, the TICAD process, GoJ and other partners should support and align assistance to frameworks agreed by the African Union, such as PIDA, CAADP, CFTA, Pan African University etc. with the aim of adding value.

TICAD Process Focus

Private sector:

* Skills development – to meet needs of market, meet product standards, develop businesses.

* Greater access to financing – for formal sector firms, SMEs, informal enterprises.

* Greater involvement of the private sector with governments and in TICAD process to better understand needs and contribution.

Trade and investment:

* Strengthening of RECs.

* Greater trade facilitation, including expansion of one stop border posts and streamlined customs procedures.

* Governmental responsiveness to needs of private investors, both national and foreign, and focus on industrial development

* Permanent public-private Japan-Africa partnership forum.


* Focus on regional infrastructure projects, also on regional integration.

* Attention to urban infrastructure.

* Enhanced PPF for infrastructure projects, capacity development to design and implement infrastructure PPPs.


* Support move from subsistence to growth agriculture, through a value chain approach.

* Need for climate smart agriculture, attention to drylands agriculture, and greater focus on risk management.

* Attention to sustainable fisheries, and inclusion of maritime business plans in agriculture strategies.

* Support for agricultural research and development and transfer of technologies, expansion of CARD.

Science and technology

* Expand linkages and partnerships with Japanese and other universities. Support Pan African University and regional centers of excellence and promote open technology.

* Reinvigorate Japan-Africa science and technology ministerial framework.

* Support improvements in the quality of education at all levels, particularly in science, math and technology.


* Build and support partnerships between the public and private sectors to promote tourism.

* Japan and other partners adopt proactive approach to encourage tourism to African countries, including flight connections, provision of information.

* Revisit and reinvigorate tourism element of Yokohama Action Plan and use TICAD V to showcase Africa.

Robust and Sustainable Economy in TICAD V Outcome Documents

* Reflect points made in sessions.


* Should be forward looking and positive, reflect reforms and achievements, and build on TICAD IV.

* Align TICAD process with existing African initiatives and programs of AUC and RECs.

* Section on robust and sustainable economy should emphasize infrastructure, especially energy; agriculture; science, technology and innovation; and capacity building and institutional strengthening.

Action Plan

* Should include initiatives of Japan, other partners, African institutions and countries.

* Actions should support and be aligned with African initiatives.

* Include activities to build capacity in each element.

* Include regional dimensions in each element.

* Include financial intermediation.

* Should be resourced, and include financial and technical resources from other partners and African countries and institutions, as well as from Japan.