"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

[Title] Plenary 3 "Promoting Human Security and Resilient Society" Co-Chairs' Summary

[Date] August 25, 2017
[Source] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
[Full text]

Plenary Session 3 was co-chaired by the UN Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (UNOSAA), the World Bank and UNDP on the theme of "Promoting human security and resilient societies".

The introductory statement by Mr. David Mehdi Hamam, Director and Acting Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa of UN-OSAA highlighted that human security and resilience encompass various and interrelated initiatives covering security, good governance, human rights and development. He called on all TICAD partners to recognize their interlinkages and take concerted action to promote human security and resilient society.

During the interactive discussion moderated by Mr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, Assistant Administrator for Africaļ¼ŒRegional Director for Africa of the UNDP, participants shared their experiences, perspectives, and challenges in implementing the Yokohama Action Plan of TICAD V and Nairobi Implementation Plan of TICAD VI. They noted that the implementation of TICAD action plans by all partners would, in turn, support the realization of Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In order to achieve "Silencing the Guns by 2020", the necessity and urgency of regional and pan-African actions and responses, and the importance of combatting terrorism, were stressed. Participants also emphasized the role of preventive measures to address the root causes of instability, including inclusive, equitable and transparent political processes. The need to address the consequences of conflict and social instability, including forced displacement and gender-based violence, was highlighted, and the efforts of some countries in this regard were appreciated. The importance of maritime security to counter piracy, illegal fishing and other maritime crimes was recognized, including through a rule-based maritime order and freedom of navigation as reflected in the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea, 2050 Africa's Integrated Maritime Strategy and the TICAD VI Nairobi Declaration.

Participants recognized that increased economic and business opportunities promote social stability and contribute to counter-radicalization, and called for the active involvement and investment of the private sector, including small and medium enterprises. They noted the role of inclusive economic development, jobs, and regional integration in supporting peace and social stability. They also noted that economic empowerment of youth and women through education, vocational training and access to technology were particularly important, and encouraged specific attention to youth in order to harness the demographic dividend, the African Union's theme for 2017.

Participants stressed that climate change was a clearly destabilizing force which could cause loss of habitat and competition over scarce resources, and affect agricultural production. The need for early and concerted action to build resilience and to mitigate the impact of climate change, particularly on the poor, was emphasized.

Participants underlined the strong inter-linkages between inclusive and sustainable development on one hand and peace, security, good governance and the rule of law on the other, and highlighted the importance of gender, generational and societal equality. They recognized Africa's efforts to promote good governance, particularly through the organization of peaceful elections and the increased involvement of women in decision-making processes. Participants underlined the need for continued institutional and human resource capacity development to ensure inclusive and effective institutions at local, national and regional levels. The important role of civil society in strengthening the social compact between state authorities and citizens was also emphasized.

Comprehensive and resilient health systems were recognized as essential to enhancing quality of life. Participants shared views and experiences on universal health coverage (UHC), including reducing the burden of infectious disease, in particular HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, and acknowledged that several African countries have made considerable progress in this regard. Recognizing the imperative of food and nutrition, participants encouraged greater efforts to enhance resilience and productivity of agriculture and fisheries, and urged development partners to provide assistance to prevent and respond to famine and drought.

In his concluding remarks, Mr. Lundell, World Bank Country Director noted the linkages between peace security and development and the importance of strengthening resilience. He also urged the international community to support African country, regional and continental efforts.

TICAD was recognized as providing an important opportunity for the exchange of experiences regarding successful interventions, as well as a platform for encouraging international support.