"The World and Japan"

National Graduate Institute             
for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

Professor, International Relations  

The World and Japan (TOP)
  English  Japanese  Chinese 

    Today in History (J)
    20th Century Quiz (J)
■  Chronology of the 20th and 21st Centuries (J)

■  Japanese Politics and International Relations

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    Top 50 Access Rating         
Basic Documents of Modern International Politics (until 1945)
Basic Documents of Contemporary International Politics (since 1945)
Documents of Prewar Japanese Politics and Diplomacy
Diet and Imperial Diet Speeches
    Prime Ministers
    Foreign Ministers
    Finance Ministers
    Economy Ministers
Non-Diet Speeches
    Prime Ministers
    Foreign Ministers
Prime Minister Press Conferences
Cabinet Decisions & Important Policies
Japanese Government UN General Assembly Speeches
Collection of Multilateral Conventions
G7/G8 Summit-related documents
G20-related documents
FOIP-related documents
SCO-related documents
BRICS-related documents
Belt and Road-related documents
Japan - China - Korea Relations documents
APEC - related documents
ASEAN -related documents
ASEAN+3 - related documents
ARF - related documents
East Asia Summit-related documents
TICAD - related documents
Global Environmental Issue-related documents
SDGs documents
Atlas of SDGs 2022
Atlas of SDGs 2021
Atlas of SDGs 2020
Communicable Diseases
Japan Security Policy
Documents related Japan's History Issues
U.S.-Japan Relations
Japan-U.S. Summit Meetings
San Fransisco Peace Conference-related documents
Nuclear Issue-related documents
Japan-China Relations
    Diplomatic normalization
    Peace and Friendship Treaty
U.S.-China Relations
China Security Policy
Japan-Taiwan Relations documents
Japan-Korean Peninsula Relations documents
Japan-Russia and Japan-Soveit Union documents
Japan-Mongolia Relations documents
Japan-Southeast Asia Relations documents
Japan-South Asia Relations documents
Japan-Pacific States Relations documents
Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting - related documents
Japan- Americas Relations documents
Japan-Europe Relations documents
Japan-Middle East Relations documents
Japan-Africa Relations documents
China-South Korea Relations documents
"Japan in Asia" Collection

"The World and Japan" (PC)           

【Project Members】
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)   

Professor, International Relations  

The University of Tokyo III/GSII      
Shiro HARADA  

The University of Tokyo IASA          
Yasuhiro MATSUDA  

Kyoto Sangyo University                   

Seoul National University                 
Institute for Japanese Studies            
Chanhoon KIM  

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)   
Matthew BRUMMER  

The University of Tokyo IASA          
Terunao HIROTA