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Basic Documents of Modern International Politics (until 1945)

"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo

Basic Documents of Contemporary International Politics (since 1945)

Treaty of Nerchinsk (Treaty of Nipchu)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 27 1689
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America (Declaration of Independence)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJul 4 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America (Declaration of Independence) (Translated by Yukichi FUKUZAWA) JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJul 4 1776
DECLARATION OF HUMAN AND CIVIC RIGHTS OF 26 AUGUST 1789 JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 26 1789
DECLARATION OF HUMAN AND CIVIC RIGHTS OF 26 AUGUST 1789 (French) French  -    -    -  Aug 26 1789
Final Act of the Congress of ViennaJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 9 1815
President Monroe's Seventh Annual Message to Congress (Monroe Doctrine)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanDec 2 1823
Treaty of Nanking (Nanjing)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 29 1842
Supplementary Treaty Signed at the Bogue (Treaty of the Bogue)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanOct 8 1843
Treaty of Wang-Hea (Treaty of Wanghia)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJul 3 1844
Treaty of Peace and Amity between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan (Convention of Kanagawa)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanMar 30 1854
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan (Japan-US Additional Treaty, Shimoda Treaty)JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Jun 17 1857
Treaty of Tien-Tsin between the United States of America and the Empire of China (June 18, 1858)JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Jun 18 1858
Treaty of Tientsin between the Queen of Great Britain and the Emperor of China (June 26, 1858)JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Jun 26 1858
Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan (Treaty of Amity and Commerce, Harris Treaty)JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Jul 29 1858
Agreement containing rules of trade, made in Pursuance of Article XXVI of the Treaty of 26th June, 1858JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Nov 8 1858
Convention of PekingJapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Oct 24 1860
Memorandum (London Protocol)JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Jun 6 1862
Tariff Convention between Japan, France, Great Britain, Netherlands and the United States of America.JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Jun 25 1866
Charter OrthJapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Mar 14 1868
Additional Article to the Treaty between the US and the Ta-Tsing Empire of the 18th June 1858JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Jul 28 1868
TREATY OF TIENTSIN, 1871.JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanSep 13 1871
Treaty Concerning the Formation of a General Postal Union.JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanOct 9 1874
Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the Empire of Japan and the Kingdom of Corea (Korea) (Treaty of Kanghwa, Kokato Treaty) JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanFeb 26 1876
Appendix to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the Empire of Japan and the Kingdom of Corea (Korea)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 24 1876
General Act of the Conference at Berlin of the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Turkey and the United States dealing with Africa (General Act of the Berlin Conference on West Africa, 26 February 1885)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanFeb 26 1885
Convention of Tientsin, 1885 (Tianjin Convention)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanApr 18 1885
The Constitution of the Empire of Japan (Meiji Constitution)JapaneseEnglishChineseKorean Feb 11 1889
Treaty of Peace between the Empire of Japan and the Empire of China (Treaty of Shimonoseki) JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanApr 17 1895
Convention between Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Spain, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Russia and Turkey, respecting the free navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal (Convention Respecting the Free Navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanOct 29 1888
Convention of Tientsin, 1885 (Tianjin Convention)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 9 1898
The First Open Door NoteJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanDec20 1899
The Second Open Door Note (Hay's Circular Letter, July 3, 1900)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJul 3 1900
Treaty Between Great Britain and the United States, Relative to the Establishment of a Communication by Ship-Canal Between the Atlantic and Pacific OceansJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanNov 18 1901
Agreement of Alliance between Japan and Great Britain, 1902 (First Anglo-Japanese Alliance)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJan 30 1902
CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA (Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty) (November 8, 1903)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanNov 8 1903
Protocol between Japan and Korea, 1904JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanFeb 23 1904
Agreement between Japan and Korea, 1904JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 22 1904
The Taft - Katsura AgreementJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 29 1905
Agreement of Alliance between Japan and Great Britain, 1905 (Second Anglo-Japanese Alliance)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 12 1905
Convention between Japan and Korea, 1905 JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanNov 17 1905
Agreement between Japan and Korea, 1907JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJul 24 1907
Treaty Regarding the Annexation of Korea to the Empire of JapanJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 22 1910
Agreement of Alliance between Japan and Great Britain, 1911 (Third Anglo-Japanese Alliance)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJul 13 1911
McMahon-Husain Correspondence (Letter from McMahon to Husayn, dated October 24,1915)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanOct 24 1915
Sykes-Picot AgreementJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanMay 16 1916
Letter from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron RothschildJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanNov 2 1917
Decree on Peace passed by the Second Congress of the Soviet of Workers' Soldiers', and Peasants' Deputies (Decree on Peace of he Soviet Government)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanNov 8 1917
President Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points" SpeechJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJan 8 1918
Peace Treaty of Brest-LitovskJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanMar 3 1918
First Congress of the Communist International: Proposal and the Constitution (Proposal to Constitute the Communist International)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanMar 4 1919
Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany (Versailles Peace Treaty)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 28 1919
Covenant of the League of NationsJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 28 1919
Treaty between the Four Powers Concerning Their Insular Possessions and Insular Dominions in the Region of the Pacific Ocean JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanDec 13 1921
Treaty Between The Nine Powers Concerning ChinaJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanFeb 6 1922
Treaty between the Five Powers Concerning the Limitation of Naval ArmamentJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanFeb 6 1922
C019 - Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention, 1925 (No. 19)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 5 1925
R025 - Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Recommendation, 1925 (No. 25)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 5 1925
Treaty of Mutual Guarantee between Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Italy (Locarno Pact)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanOct 16 1925
C021 - Inspection of Emigrants Convention, 1926 (No. 21)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 5 1926
R026 - Migration (Protection of Females at Sea) Recommendation, 1926 (No. 26)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 5 1926
International Sanitary Convention JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 21 1926
Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 (General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy) JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 27 1928
C048 - Maintenance of Migrants' Pension Rights Convention, 1935 (No. 48)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 22 1935
Agreement Concluded at Munich between Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy (Munich Pact)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanSep 29 1938
C066 - Migration for Employment Convention, 1939 (No. 66)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 28 1939
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" SpeechJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJan 6 1941
Lend-Lease Act (1941)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanMar 11 1941
Atlantic Charter (Joint Declaration of the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain) JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 14 1941
Hull NoteJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanNov 26 1941
Imperial Rescript, Declaration of WarJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanDec 8 1941
THE DECLARATION BY UNITED NATIONSJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJan 1 1942
Roosevelt-Churchill Press Conference in Casablanca (Casablanca Declaration)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJan 24 1943
Cairo Declaration (American, British, and Chinese declaration regarding Japan)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanNov 27 1943
Tehran DeclarationJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanDec 1 1943
Proposals for the Establishment of a General International OrganizationJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanOct 9 1944
Yalta AgreementsJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanFeb 11 1945
Protocol of the Proceedings of the Crimea ConferenceJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanFeb 11 1945
Charter of the League of Arab StatesJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanMar 22 1945
Charter of the United NationsJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJun 26 1945
Potsdam Declaration (American, British, and Chinese declaration)JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanJul 26 1945
Protocol of the Proceedings of the Berlin e ConferenceJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 2 1945
Communications Exchanged in Connection with Surrender, Note of the Japanese Government of August 10 regarding Their Acceptance of the Provisions of the Potsdam DeclarationJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 10 1945
Communications Exchanged in Connection with Surrender, Answer of the United States Government of August 11 to the Japanese Government on Behalf of the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and ChinaJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 11 1945
Imperial Rescript, Cessation of HostilitiesJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 14 1945
Communications Exchanged in Connection with Surrender, Communication of the Japanese Government of August 14 Addressed to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and ChinaJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 14 1945
Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between the Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanAug 14 1945
First Instrument of Surrender of Japanese and Japanese-Controlled Armed ForcesJapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanSep 2 1945
Directive No. 1 Office of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanSep 2 1945
Directive No. 2 Office of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanSep 3 1945
Instructions to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur (Message No.1) JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanSep 6 1945
Directive No. 3 Office of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanSep 22 1945

Basic Documents of Contemporary International Politics (since 1945)

    Last Updated: 2024.6.24